Spring Organizing Podcast

Spring Organizing Podcast

Our owner was featured on This Organized Life podcast with Laurie Palau. She'll share some Spring Organizing tips and ideas, as well as her least favorite thing to organize! 

Moving Doesn't Have to Suck

Moving Doesn't Have to Suck

Did you know that The Organizing Co. has relocation services? It's true. We can get your house ready for the market in record time and get you completely unpacked in your new place in less than a week. No more boxes. Everything put away and organized. Yes, it's possible. 

Organizing For Romance

Organizing For Romance

It's no secret that disorganization can cause tension in relationships. In this video you'll see a presentation I gave to a group of rowdy business owners emphasizing the dangers of disorganization. Hopefully you'll get a few good laughs and some good inspiration to organize for romance!

Pantry How-To's

Pantry How-To's

Ever wonder what an organizer's home looks like? Now's your chance to find out! Our owner, Christina, will show you her pantry and teach you some pointers that you can apply in your own home. 

Crotch In, Pocket Out

Crotch In, Pocket Out

You're organized. You've color-coded. But you want to take your closet organization to the next level. In this video, Christina shows you a quick technique to do just that. 

Let Freedom Fling

Let Freedom Fling

The Fourth of July isn't just a time for celebrating America. It sparks a desire for and appreciation of freedom that bleeds over into other areas of our lives. This year, let it move you to find freedom from your stuff. If your things are beginning to own you, here are some tips for how to fight for freedom!

Summer Mother

Summer Mother

Parenting is tough. The last thing you want to do is spend your life picking up after your kids. But there's hope when you utilize organization, systems, and routines! 

The Dresser Drawer That Changed My Life

The Dresser Drawer That Changed My Life

The year was 2006. The place, Harding University. The scene, a dresser drawer opened before me... Now this folding method is a way of life.

Spring Organizing 101

Spring Organizing 101

We don't do spring cleaning, but we're all about spring organizing! It's a great time to freshen up your home with some organizing and, of course, flowers.