Four Things To Free Yourself From This 4th Of July Weekend
I don’t know what it is, but my calendar is blowing up this week. Maybe it’s the time off work or the rejuvenation a day of cool weather brought, but people are ready to get organized and to purge! So if you’re feeling the itch but don’t want to devote your entire weekend, here are some quick things you can simply get rid of during your extra free time on this long weekend. Let the flinging begin...
Free yourself from:
1. Anything with bad memories or emotions associated with it (No, your bills, kale, and partner don’t count. ;) ) Maybe you used to love something, or think it’s beautiful, but it reminds you of getting fired, losing your cat, a low point in your life, or a sad event, like the funeral of someone you love. Go ahead and let it go. Only keep the lovely memories of the people you love. There are plenty.
If something like might used to inspire and encourage you, but now it just makes you feel guilty that you aren't "blooming", let it go.
2. Guilt over getting rid of stuff your MIL/friend/husband/child gave to you (say, a tacky pair of earrings, or a horse painting you can’t stand). Free yourself from the stuff you don’t like! Your family gave it to you to make you happy and, if it’s not doing that, it’s not accomplishing the purpose for which it was intended, and surely they wouldn’t want it to be making you unhappy. Simply explain that you’re needing to declutter and that, while you’re getting rid of the item, you’re holding onto the sentiment of how loving and thoughtful she/he was for giving you that gift. You’re remembering that they love you and you’re freeing some space for {creativity} {productivity} {a new direction} {simplicity} {a different style}. You fill in the blank. If it makes you (or them) feel better, take a picture of the item before letting it go to someone who will truly love it and enjoy it. For the record- I’ve heard more success stories of this going well than of it not! You never know until you try.
Parents and great aunts have a knack for giving out books that no one wants to read. Clear space on your self for the books you love, reference, and read. It's also okay to say goodbye to decor gifts that are no longer your style.
3. To-do items that don’t REALLY need to get done (or that will never get done). Clear out that bin of articles/magazines to read and start fresh (maybe schedule reading time, too!). Glance over your inspiration book/file/bulletin board and remove things that no longer spark something in you. Look at your to-do list and delete things that you no longer really care about doing or that aren’t even relevant anymore. It clears visual clutter and it’s so freeing! No more stress or shame every time you see it on your list. It’s not vital, and you've been just fine without getting it done. Cut your losses and delete it. Another example is to free yourself from any clothing items/shoes that need to be repaired but haven’t been. You’re not wearing them anyway! It’s time to face it: after 3 months it probably won’t ever happen. Free yourself from the dread every time you look at it and free up some closet space by getting rid of it. Instagram a final memory and say “adieu.” If you can’t bring yourself to remove something from your to-do list, maybe your way to be free from it is to actually do it this weekend! “Eat the frog,” as they say. But, seriously, this weekend.
Do you still want to grow tomatoes? No? Delete.
4. Free yourself from the stress of not being able to find your {keys} {glasses} {bills}. Create designated “homes” for the items you misplace the most. You may still need a total organizing overhaul, but you can start with just 1-3 essentials! Make sure they are easy to see, easy to access, and are where you naturally want to reach for things. You may even use bright sticky notes for awhile to remind yourself, “Keys go here!” Or “Put your glasses in your purse!” It takes awhile (28 days, Sandra Bullock would say) to build a habit, so don’t be surprised if you can’t remember the first few days. You’ll get the hang of it. And then you’ll be free from those early morning, last minute tornado spins around the house to find something.
Remember, there are lots of responsible ways to get rid of something, and you don't want your home to become a landfill of unused, unloved items. Love it or let it go to someone who will.
Check out CHaRM or Goodwill to see how damaged items can be recycled or reused!
For more decluttering info, including why you should free up closet space for a move, check out this article on HomeLight!
Now, in addition to celebrating our freedom in the great U.S. of A, celebrate the freedom you just created in your life! And continue to practice it all year long!
Thank you to all those who have fought, and are fighting, for our freedom.
Thanks so much for reading!
Happy free-ing!
Christina + The Organizing Company
July 01, 2016
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