The Power of Organization: What Would You Do With More Time?
By Christina DesAuguste
Christina is the founder of The Organizing Company. She’s been organizing professionally since 2013 (10 years this summer!). She knew she was destined for organizing greatness when she file folded her brother-in-law’s t-shirts and he kept it up.
One of the best things about being organized is that it frees up time and energy to focus on the people and passions that give you meaning. That’s why I do what I do; to free you up so you can do what matters to you (check my mission statement on the homepage).
Being organized means you have more time to do extra special things for the people you love.
Like writing little love notes for their lunchboxes.
That’s why I created Lunchbox Love Notes. Well, and because I’m gunning for Favorite Auntie.
You can just sign your name or you can use the affirmations, encouragements, and exhortations as prompts to personalize them with things like, “You’re going to ace that test today!” or “It’ll be worth it!”
I actually found myself grabbing these notes for my husband to leave on his bathroom vanity or in his work bag. They were a big hit. Big kids need to hear this stuff too!
So this year I created some notes that are geared specifically towards a significant other. I kept it pretty PG, but there is a range of compliments (“You are sexy”) to affirmations (“You are enough”) to sweet nothings (“You are my home”).
New For Your S.O.!
Let these prompt you to write something meaningful to your partner and grow your connection. Especially if words of affirmation is their love language! I find that simple acts of thoughtfulness go a long way.
This is why I believe in organization so much. It makes your everyday tasks easier so you have the bandwidth for special things, like these notes.
What are you spending too much time on because of disorganization?
Looking for things?
Rebuying things you lost?
Rewashing clothes because you can’t remember which pile was clean and which was dirty?
Moving something to access something else? Then moving it again because it’s in the way of yet another thing now?
Sometimes the biggest time suck is subtle. It’s in our everyday routines that aren’t streamlined so we’re going to 5 different cabinets to make dinner instead of 2. And then putting things away takes longer too. And things like that add up when it’s everyday for every major task.
What would you do more of if your home were organized?
Start a business?
Volunteer at your kids’ school?
Let yourself dream a little bit and get back to what gives you meaning. Then come up with a plan to get organized so you can free up time and energy (you know I’m here to help).
These Lunchbox Love Notes are just a tiny taste of the organized lifestyle that awaits when you do.
So go ahead and get the notes below! Simply download, print, and cut!
Happy Organizing!
August 14, 2023
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